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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Aku Ingin Berkata

just nk jote down. takut terlupa lak nti..

lagu baru Zamani - Aku Ingin Berkata

xtaw la lagu ni kuar bila. bln 3 kot.. tp baru taw ari ni sbb dok donlod lagu tiba2 jumpa lak psl lagu nih. tp takde mp3 yg sedia di donlod lg.. smpt lg donlod lagu dlm sibuk2 wt thesis.. huhu... idop x leh tensen2 kn..

huhu.. kata peminat tegar.. tp tak taw pn org tu dah release single baru. nk wt cmne.. lama tak dgr radio & tgk tv & baca paper.. so mmg la tak taw ape2..

tak sbrnya nk tunggu full album beliau *teruja*

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Baei's Big Day

Dlm kesibukan siapkan keja smpt gk kuar tgari td, menghadiri kenduri kahwin Baei, iaitu rakan setugas di lab marine suatu tika dulu ~RO engineering ye merangkap pengapitku dulu..

bersama pengantin.. ngn ank sape tah

terkebetulan lak bj sama ngn tema dia.. ms dia anta kad kat lab smlm mmg dah agk tema dia kuning bila tgk kad dia kuning.. tp nk wt mcm mane.. tgl 1 je baju kurung yg ada ~mmg standby utk gi kenduri dia yg lain dah bwk blk umah.. mcm tuan umah lak kn..

nk citer sikit psl Baei nih.. nama betul dia Arba 'eiyah bt Mohammad Shah, 28thn. tp slmba je ber'kau' dgn dia.. mula jumpa ingtkn sebaya.. kecik molek je orgnya ~tinggi sikit dari sy untung org kecik ni nmpak muda sokmo.. huhu.. ayat memuji diri sendri tuh.. wlaupun orgnya kecik tp pikiran matang.. kalau sembang, cerita ape2 kat dia ~hal ati dan perasaan msti dia bg nasihat pastu.. takde la nk menambah jadi fire stone..

skng ni dia jd cikgu kat.. mane eh.. lupa dah tp kat JB la.. sbln pas kwin nk resign and dok ngn laki dia kat Shah Alam... oo ye.. dia ngn laki dia jumpa ms bljar kat UTM.. dorg ni bdk Elektrik.. husband dia org Kelate dan yg bestnya bapa mertua Baei adalah pengetua MRSM Muar zmn ktorg ~Hj Shafie ape yg best tah. huhu.. td nmpk la pengetua tp tak tegur pn. kalau tegur bkn dia kenal pn kn.. so wt dek je la.. hehe..

psl wedding dia td mmg meriah dan mewah.. pelamin bwh khemah tp bkn kanopi.. khemah 3segi tp tinggi.. meja mkn bkn meja pnjg mcm biasa tu.. meja bulat mcm kat hotel sll buat.. suasana mcm dlm dewan/hotel pn ada.. cantik sgt.. bunga idup merata lak.. tp bunga idop yg cantik2 la mcm orkid, ros, ape lg ek... bkn bunga taik ayam hoccay.. takde gmbr lak.. rugi tol tak snap pic khemah n pelamin dia.. lg 1.. kek dia cantik dan nmpk mcm sedap.. coklat.. nyum2.. huhu

***updated gmbr pelamin dan kek.. grabbed from Fs adik beliau..

penemanku.. nini.. TQ a lot laling.. gemoxnye sy..

ktorg smpai rumah pengantin nk pkl 2.. singgah Angsana beli hadiah dulu ~rumah dia blkg Angsana je.. smpai gi mkn dulu with out jumpa pengantin.. pas ktorg abis mkn pengantin br bersanding.. so tunggu dorg siap sanding n mkn br dpt jumpa pengantin.. tp tak lama pn sbb pengantin tgh bz.. ktorg pn nk beredar dah.. ms blk leh lak jem kat Angsana.. br teringat ari ni kn ada Jom Heboh kat Danga Bay.. lama tak gi.. latest gi kat Bkt Jalil thn 2005 kot.. sob sob.. nk gi Jom Heboh.. sape nk bwk..

last but not least.. gmbr smntara tunggu nini smpai.. haha.. smpt lg tuh...

sy comel kn...

bestnya tgk kwn2 kwin.. ayat mcm tak kwin lg je.. hehe..

ps: mr hubby on da way blk KK dr Singapore..

Friday, May 29, 2009

masa yg jeles


ko tu yg pemalas. last minute baru nk buat keje. nk salahkan masa lak..


running out of time..

target 1hb nih complete kan semua keja plus thesis report
pastu submit kpd Diana, colleague B utk cek grammar yg lintang pukang tak tentu hala tuh..
by 7th hrp2 Diana leh siap cek n prepare utk submit draft kpd Droy..
10th baru Droy ada kat UTM

so after 10th tu leh releks sat smntara tunggu draft utk direpair sblm di submit ke fakulti..

hrp2 15th dah leh settle.. sbb 16th-17th Droy ada bengkel kat KL

ps: Mr Hubby dah ada kat Rengit. esok bergerak ke Singapore..

Monday, May 25, 2009


Last weekend blk kg anta brg cikit2 so dah abis nti tak la byk brg sgt..

Sbtu kuar gi beli tiket blk Jb. pastu gi Tesco ngn mak, ayah n azief. sy la yg kena jg azief sbb mak sibuk kira cili kering.. hehe..

gegirl ke boboy nih..

jln smbil mkn cheeze..

smntara tunggu ibu bli brg azief abiskan 3 botol vitagen..

br dpt 'gigibiru' gmbr mlm berinai kenduri kwin abg dr handset Maman.. tp sekeping je la..

azief dikelilingi wanita2 comei

ps: happy 38th birthday to Zamani Slam.. huhu..

Penangan GG

Perghh.. kuat betul penangan Gilmore Girls nih.. dah abis tgk citer ni tp masih terbayang-bayang lg... giler betol..

Salah satu scene yg tak leh dilupakan ms Luke & Lor putus.. mlm tuh Lor ajk elope tp Luke tak nak sbb serabut ngn anak dia yg dia baru jumpa ~dia baru tau dia ada anak.. keesokan arinya Luke gi umah Lor ajak lari. siap dah angkut barang dlm truck lg. pergghh.. sedih siot tgk muka Luke time tuh.. dia mmg sungguh2 nk kat Lor. sngup tu nk lari.. tp Lor tak nak sbb dia dah tido ngn Chris lepas dia tinggalkan Luke mlm sblumnya.. Luke terus blah.. kesiannya dia.. gua nangis kesedihan.. perghh.. feeling tak hengat... kalau tgk lg skali msti nangis gk.. huhu

Lor & Luke

Luke@Scott Patterson.. macho seehhh...

tp ape yg bgus dlm citer ni kn.. dia tnjuk la wlaupun mat saleh ni buat hubungan tnpa kwin tp once dorg in a relationship, dorg tak leh ada affair ngn org lain.. tu yg bgusnya.. tp ada gk yg dah kwin msih ada scandal. mane2 pn sama. yg penting ati kita sndri la.. dah kwin buat cara dah kwin.. ingt ank, suami/isteri.. xyah nk gatal2 contact/manja2 ngn jantina berlawanan wpun skdar kwn. kalau psngn kita buat mcm tu mrh tak.. mula2 mmg berkwn, lama2 sape tau kn.. syaitan tu sentiasa menyesatkan manusia.. ceh.. berceramah lak.. skdar mengingatkan sesama manusia..

one more thing, kopi 0.. ini adalah penangan GG gk.. sblm ni mmg sy suka minum kopi 0 tp tak la kerap sgt.. sejak lyn GG ni sy jd addicted lak terhadap kopi. kalau boleh pagi petang siang malam nk kopi. tak baik utk kesihatan sbnrnya kopi ni. tp gara2 GG la ni.. org kata kalau time pregnant minum soya kulit anak putih.. dah tu kalau minum kopi nti kulit ank itam ke?? xmo la minum kopi kalau pregnant nti.. huhu

selain tu sy juga addicted pd western food mcm burger, chicken chop, fries.. tp seb baik la tak kemaruk sgt wpn time tgk cite ni dok kepingin je.. skg ni tak sgt la. tp kalau teringat scene dorg mkn tu rs naaakkk aje.. huhu.. sengal kn..

gara2 cita ni gk sy teringin nk gi US.. aduiii.. gila betol.. sblm ni berangan nk gi Europe je...

xpe2.. ms akn melupuskan sgla ingatan terhadap GG

Once the Gilmore Girls are in your life, they're in your life forever.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

94 jam

entri kali ni bkn psl 94 buah jam taw.. huhu


akhirnya B call pg td pkl 7 lbh setelah 94 jam bersamaan 3 ari 22jam ~almost 4 ari tak berSMS or call.. rekord paling lama buat ms ni..

FYI kapal B, KD Pahang diikuti 9 biji kapal dr negara lain yg menghadari IMDEX Asia 2009 yg diadakan di Singapore belayar dr Singapore menyusuri laut Pantai Timur ~smpai area Kelantan kot dr 20 May dan dijangka smpai di Singapore semula pd 28 May..

td B call ckp ada kat Kuantan.. dorg on the way blk ke Singapore tp KD Pahang msuk jeti Kuantan sbb anta mayat yg dijumpai terapung di tgh lautan.. ~kapal2 lain meneruskan pelayaran

KD Pahang akn keluar belayar menuju ke Singapore pkl 5 jap lg..

ahh.. rindu lg



i finished all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls series which is contents of 153 episodes. in 3 weeks.. huhu.. sgt la addicted. i can't stop watching them once i started..

barisan pelakon GG

2 adore beauty girls

love finally they are together

xnk cita byk la.. cuma nk kongsi sikit psl couple di atas.. end of season 6 dorg split up due to some reasons.. season 7 begin with Lorelai and Chris ~Rory's dad started a date and end up with a marriage.

u know what, malu nk citer nih.. *blushing*

at time Lorelai and Luke broke up i felt really sad and frustrated, smpai menitiskan air mata.. ~sgt menghayati cerita kn.. xpnh lg sedih mcm ni while tgk movie org clash ke ape.. dlm sejarah ni.. huhu.. *blushing* time ni rs mls dah nk tgk cita ni smpai abis. pdhal dah final season nih.. tp teruskan jgk la dgn hrpn yg menggunung spya Lor and Luke will be together..

and finally.. i have my happy ending.. sgt suka mereka bersama.. they are good and perfect for each other.. ~dlm series nih la..

sy sgt suka character Luke. nmpk mcm dia tak berperasaan, cpt mrh. tp when he in a relationship with Lor, he doing anything for her even a thing which is not his thing.. look likes he really love her.


ku sudah jatuh hati.. leh???

ps: i really miss my man... hope he doing fine there..

**more info for this series visit Gilmore Girls

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Moving Part I


im at a new place, but i had been at this block on 2007, just in different room..~terkenang lak zmn B amik dan anta gi keja.. here was the place.

sbrnya mls nk pindah sbb next month dah nk balik. so kena pack dan unpack byk kali lak. tp nk wt mcm mane. Jumaat ni ada PALAPES lelaki nk msuk. nk tak nk kena la kuar. kalau pompuan tak kisah. leh je dok kat blok tu.. tp sy dah pack siap2 asingkn yg nk guna ngn tak. so yg tak guna tak yah usik. just unpack yg nk guna je.. bijak kn.. hehe

stlh 2 ari naik turun opis kolej akhirnya smlm amik kunci bilik baru. kena sewa bilik sbb dah tak jd Pembantu Felo lg.. sehari RM4.50. so sbln RM100++.. tp tak taw kena byr ke tak sbb K.I.V lg.. spttnya ms nk msuk dah byr. hrp2 FOC la.. hehe...

smlm minta tlong ilah angkat brg guna keta dia. actly tak jauh pn blok baru S25 ni dr blok lama S19.jln br bape minit. tp sbb nk angkut semua brg so mnta tolong ilah.. kalau jln kaki mau kurus.. pnt gila.. naik turun angkat brg dr tingkat 3. seb baik la bwk turun dan blk br takde tngga ~aras bwh.. kena timbang ni kot2 turun 2kg ke.. hehe

dlm proses mengemas di bilik lama

semua brg yg telah diangkut ke blk baru

nmpk mcm tak byk je. skali dah kumpul2 semua kena buat 2 kali trip gk.. seb baik la tak jauh sgt. tp maybe nti tiap kali blk umah kena bwk brg sikit2 so ms fmly dtg amik tak la byk sgt.. kalau tak kena bwk van lak.

FYI bilik baru ni kecik sikit. mmg bilik utk sorg. bilik lama tuh besar, bilik double dpt kelebihan dok sorg.. ;) tp tak kisah sgt la sbb dok sorg kn kecik ke bsr asal selesa. gpun kat blok ni sy tak keseorang sbb Kak Mala dan kwnnya pn stay kat cni. so ape2 hal ada la mber..

ms kemas2 smlm adalah beberapa brg yg berharga tp terpaksa buang.. salah satunya adalah

bunga konvo dr B n fmly mber

syg woo nk buang. tp nk wt cmne.. bunga dah kering dan berabuk bkn leh buat ape. tak pe la.. insyaAllah tahun dpn konvo lg.. mnta benda lain yg leh simpan lama la.. huhu

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Reunion of SC3 in the Making


beberapa entry yg lepas sy ada mention psl reunion class sc3 MRSM MUAR batch 99/00 kn.. so this entry nk cerita sikit byk psl mcm mane dpt idea nk wt reunion ni..

actly it was me yg proposed. mula2 msg kat friendster mber2 ni tnya bila nk jumpa.. its been 9 years ok.. semua pn dah ada life msing2. so nk tunggu bila lg kn...

pastu terpikir lak nk create yahoogroups utk class ktorg. senang sikit ape2 email situ every one will know. so msg again kat friendster minta email. dan sy yg tak byk kerja pd ms itu pn create la yahoogroups.. oleh kerana sy yg memulaknnya so sy telah diberi tugas utk organize this reunion. its not a big deal.. until now ktorg dpt kumpul almost all members. ada 2 org je msih missing in action. named Rahidah dan Aida..

psl tarikh reunion tu ktorg wt poll.. negara demokrasi kn so kt kena la amalkan jugak.. nti takde la hurt feeling bagai.. dan tarikh yg dicadangkan adalah July dan Aug. setlh poll dibuka slma seminggu akhirnya 15th Aug menjadi pilihan majoriti.. so here we go.. the 1st GRAND REUNION of SC3 will be held on 15th Aug 2009.

about the venue. still used the same way.. byk sgt pilihan yg ada.. 10 places yg dicadangkan.. dan result msih lom dikethui lg sbb dlm proses mengundi lg..

nk taw tak tmpt2 yg dicadangkan.. lets see..

1.Melaka ~place i was born. kerap dah smpai wpn byk lg tmpt tak pernah pergi
byk tmpt yg leh gi..... pantai (tp tak taw pantai mane yg ok..), waterworld. kalau tak nak main air jln2 kat bandar hilir (A famosa, kapal portugis, menara taming sari, leh naik cruise mlm2.cantik) , ayer keroh(leh gi zoo, tmn buaya dll)..

2.PD ~pernah gi beberapa kali. latest gi seminar on 2008
semua tau ni pantai kn.. hotel byk. tp pantai kat sini cantik lg ke??

3.Gunung Ledang ~pn dah pernah sampai few times. latest 2005 maybe.. pnjat smpai puncak lg
air terjun. tp ada pool kalau sape2 yg allergic air sg. dont wori ada resort yg not so bad. x perlu dirikan khemah. stil leh buat aktvt n bbq.. jauh sikit je dr muar.. nk jenguk2 maktab b4 dismiss leh je..

4.Pulau Pangkor ~went there once with hubby last year
dkt Lumut.. dr kl dlm 4jam lebih... dr Lumut ke Pangkor dlm 30mnt je.... tmbg feri murah RM10 two ways. kalau nk snorkeling sewa boat dr pangkor ke pulau kecik lain dlm RM30. dlm pangkor sndri kena sewa kndraan utk gi mana2. motor ngn van je disediakan.. kalau ramai2 leh amik van la kot. tp kalau yg nk gerak individual leh amik moto.. RM25-50 sehari. tgk la peak time ke tak..b4 or after blk dr pangkor leh jln2 kat lumut waterfront.. cantik gk..

5.Pulau Tioman ~tak pernah jejak lg
dr kl 4jam lbh ke mersing.. dr mersing ke tioman kalau naik feri tmbng RM35 sehala amik ms 3j.. kalau naik speedboat RM45 sehala tp 2jam je.. dlm pulau tu takde transport.. nk kemana2 kena jln kaki.. hotel semurah RM40.. tgk time la..

6.Summerset Kuala Rompin ~pn xpernah smpai lg
byk aktvt yg adventure mcm kayak, cycling, jungle traking tp lalu kubur org asli.. tepi laut leh main volley ball.. leh la nk buat bbq or game or unggun api ke.. dr kl lbh kurang 3jam 30 mnt..

7.Genting Highland ~dah pernah gi few times. latest on 2005 kot
kalau nk main2 leh la gi sini.. nk wt aktvt sesame kita ada tmpt ke.. dr kl dekat je ni.nak jimat naik bus dr pudu or kl central... dr jb pn ada direct bus ke genting

8.Cameron Highland ~br je gi raya tahun lepas
kat sini byk hotel tinggi je kn.. so takat nk jln2 sama2 leh la.. nk wt aktvt main game takot takde tmpt je.. wt bbq leh diusahakn. kalau org hotel tak mrh la..

9.Bukit Tinggi ~xpernah smpai lg
kat phg.. dr kl dekat je. bgnn cantik2 mcm kat obersi lak..leh main bowling, badminton,berenang, naik kuda, jungle traking pun ada tapi kena bayar.nk msuk kena bayar dlm rm17 sorg. kalau menginap kat sana bil penginapan termasuk sekali dengan harga tiket msuk. tmpt ni sesuai utk tenangkn fikiran. tak sesejuk genting..

10.Fraser Hill ~pn xpernah smpai lg
dr kl about 2hrs je. tmpt sejuk leh sewa villa terus n wt bbg n game..

so far da favourite places adalah Bukit Tinggi dan Tioman. tp kena pk gk aktvt apa yg leh buat kat tmpt2 tertentu.. so just wait until poll ditutup..

what matter it is. sy akn psti kn reunion kali ni jd sb i already bought tikcets KK-KL-KK for two. tp smbil2 cuti puasa di kg bersama family..

ps: sy tntu la undi tmpt yg tak pernah smpai lg..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It's 19th May 2009

30 days to go

hope everything's going well as planned

wish me luck

Monday, May 18, 2009


tajuk di atas takde kena mengena dgn cita dibwh
just sbb sleepy while doing my work ~wpn dah teguk 1 mug besar kopi

Percaya atau tidak

skrng sy keseorangan dlm bilik dalam blok sebesar 3 tingkat

tp tu bukan masalahnya

yg menjadi masalahnya adalah
terdapat beberapa org lelaki dlm blok ni~ bkn dlm bilik sy
buat keja mengemas/mengecat.. sy tak pasti

nape la diorg tak buat keja2 tu disiang ari

tak tenteram je rasa

yg penting esok pg2 sy akan ke opis kolej
td dah gi tp Penolong Pengurus Asrama (PPA) xde

mnta duduk 1 blok ngn kak mala~ pembantu felo
sbb blok sy skrg akn digunakan utk tmpt kn PALAPES lelaki next week
kalau x sy tak kisah pn dok sorg kat sini

mlsnya nk kemas brg sbb next Jun nk balik dah
xkn nk pack and unpack byk kali
tp nasib la leh angkat sikit2
brg2 yg tak nak guna leh biar dulu kat bilik ni
nk blk Jun nti baru angkut

in these 2 months i'll moving a lot

~just miss my gayut-b4-bed time. so much~

Saturday, May 16, 2009

excited yiiiiha

oh God.. gembira sgt2..

tgh buat keja sj la tgn menggatal klik kat Air Asia.. nk tgk kot2 ada new promotion ke.. pastu cek date utk ke KK next month or early of July dan yg ada serendah RM79 ~not including taxes, meal dan baggage fee. since im moving to KK so brg agk byk la.. cmpur semua mau RM150++ seorg. one way.

pastu call B nk tnya dia nk beli tiket bila so on.. pastu B soh cek MAS kalau MAS mhl sikit je better amik MAS sbb dah charge baggage ~up to 20kg. dan sgt excited apbla MAS lbh murah dr Air Asia pd tarikh yg dikehendaki.. RM9 dan selepas dicmpur sgla taxes hrga tiket ke KK dr KL hanyalah RM46.. ~x amik insuran ye.. baggage up to 20kg. meal disediakan.. huhu.. jimat byk wei.. merasa gk naik MAS ~ku mengaku daku jakun.. x yah nk kutuk lebih2..hehe

belek2 website tu ghupenye promotion nih berlangsung ari ni dan esok sahaja.. utk penerbangan domestic, brunei dan singapore je.. so cpt2 la survey tiket kalau sape2 ada perancangan nk mkn angin ke honeymoon ke... hehe

alang2 dah murah ni ingat nk beli tiket utk blk KL Aug ni sempena reunion bdk2 Sc3 MRSM Muar batch 99/00.. ~yg diorganizekan oleh saya.. pergi blk baru RM184 for 2. tp B mcm tak kasi pegi je sbb takut cost tinggi. tiket flight + hotel + travel + mkn.. semua perlu dikira for 2.. sbb tak best lak kalau gi sorg.. tp dah ckp kat B nk belanja dia sempena anniversary + birthday ktorg.. tp nk kena wt kira2 dulu. takot bajet tak cukup. kalau takde rzki tak dpt la join depa.. ~x best tol mastermind tak dpt join.. ktorg celebrate sndri je la kat KK ~KK pn byk tmpt best n ktorg tak smpai lg..

ps: Mr Hubby berada di Tioman ketika ini.. beliau gerak dr Singapore ke Tioman ptg smlm dan tiba mlm td.. ~8hours je pg esok akn gerak ke Singapore semula.. best tol asik jln je.. ingt nk jumpa kat sana tp tak smpt... bestnya dpt snorkeling.. *jeles*

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

IMDEX Asia 2009

International Maritime Defence Exhibition (IMDEX) Asia 2009

Welcome to IMDEX Asia 2009

IMDEX Asia, the only dedicated international maritime defence show serving the Asia-Pacific region, returns to Singapore from 12 – 14 May 2009 with the promise of another bumper event.

This biennial defence exhibition offers a one-stop opportunity to keep abreast of the latest maritime defence technologies, platform designs and technology developments.

The Event comprise four inter-related events - Exhibition, Conference, VIP Delegations Programme and Visiting Warships - and has established a reputation within the maritime defence industry as being a ‘must attend’ show.

Changi Naval Base will host 18 warships from 13 countries around the world including Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, France, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

In conjunction with IMDEX Asia 2009, the RSN will also be hosting the inaugural Maritime Information-Sharing Exercise (MARISX), which will be held from 11 to 15 May 2009 at the new Information Fusion Centre located in the Changi Command and Control Centre.

Through the exercise, the RSN will its maritime partners together to practise the information-sharing process and to validate the linkages between the operation centres.

A total of 39 International Liaison Officers from 16 countries and maritime security agencies will be participating in the exercise.

credit to IMDEX Asia

im sure u can figure out why and what is mr hubby doing there all these days..

ps: alhamdulillah.. he getting better.. ;)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Right now hubby is at Changi Singapore. he reached there yesterday morning after on board about 2 days and half, and will stay there for a week or maybe more.

see how close we are but unfortunately we can't meet even for a second because of some issues and one of that is a currently spread virus..

im not totally recovered from a fever but better. and believe or not, the fever was infectious to hubby through the phone.. haha.. kidding.. but its real about him got a fever.. it seems like a heavy one until he dont show up and just spent a whole day at bed.

i really miss him. miss to see his face, talking n comfort me while im in terrible mood.. only GOD knows how i feel. it's kill me..

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I'm not well.. had fever, batuk, idung sumbat.. but not so bad..

actly it started on Monday. Isnin dah start sakit tekak.. tp wt xtaw je sbb ingt sbb minum air gas byk sgt.. padahal b4 this minum 1.5L takde ape pn. ni baru minum yg 0.6L dah sakit tekak.. so sakit tekak ni berterusan smpai ari Selasa.. just buat mcm biasa.. tp Selasa mlm tu suara mcm dah rock sikit.. n that time i know i will had a fever..

so bgn smlm dah tak sakit tekak tp dah batuk2. a little.. idung pn dah start sumbat.. suhu bdn tak naik lg... dan saya msih larat ke Cafe and had a western food.. xtaw nape asik nk mkn western je. chicken chop n fries.. so i had that for 2 days, Tue and Wed.. ~adakah terpengaruh dgn cite Gilmore Girls yg tgh sy lyn skg?? i have season 1- season7. recently watching season2..

bgn pg ni idung sumbat lg.. batuk dgn kadar yg lebih kerap.. but thanks God suhu badan tak naik. ~tp mcm naik sikit dr smlm..

hrp2 tak melarat sgt la sbb ptg ni at 6 sy akn naik bus pulang ke kg for my bro's reception.. so kalau demam yg teruk tak leh nk enjoy the day.. huhu.. enjoy je ingt..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Welcome Home Lappy

GOod news... actly thursday last week punya good news.. huhu

last thursday, ada call dr somewhere. missed call actly sbb ms call tu sy takde kat bilik.. so i called them back..

good thing is, they had done my laptop. and i can pick it up anytime except tomorrow of that day, which is Labour Day.. it just a week from i sent she there..

so sy dgn serabutnye pn pk la mcm mane nk gi amik Miss Lappy kat Masai tu.. so with thought and counted over many things, i called a cab. the regular cab i used to use. he charged me RM50 for two way plus waiting..

and the other good thing is, they don't format my lappy.. so all the important and 'lagho' things are safe. hope she will doing fine forever, especially at this time until 19th June.. i have to work hard from now on..


Monday, May 4, 2009

Big Bro's day @Triang

1 mei yg lepas bertambah lah ahli keluarga ktorg iaitu the only kakak ipar.. tak smpai 1thn mak & ayah dpt menantu lelaki kini dpt menantu perempuan lak.. so jom cuci mata peristiwa2 sblm ari nikah, ari nikah dan sanding kat Triang..

pengantin, ank buah dan adik pompuan pertama pengantin. time ni ktorg gi Tesco cari buah utk buat hantaran.. smbil tu amik la adik pompuan bongsu pengantin, yakni saya kat Melaka Sentral yg baru tiba dr Jb 30/4 mlm..

adik2 pompuan pengantin ke Tesco cari brg last minute sblm gerak ke Triang on 1/5 ptg..

akak ckp gmbr ni cantik. sbnrnya nk amik dgn mak tp tak taw lak camera tu dlm mode zoom lg so dpt la capture mata yg cantik ittew.. hehe.. time nikah ni

saat2 abgku bergelar suami org.. Alhamdulillah selepas 2 x lafaz.. pink kaler lg ok..

sisters dihari persandingan abg..

yea... kami lg di dlm bilik pengantin.. oit azief pandang sini la..

gaya2 model, rambut ditiup angin.. POYO.. huhu..

yeay!! berjaya gk.. with beloved emak..

otw blk melaka.. love to c this smile.. sgt terhibur...

baru perasan takde gmbr pengantin perempuan dlm koleksi sy.. takpe tgu camera profesional nti.. ni pn ada sikit je..

reception belah umah ktorg will be held this Saturday, 9/5.. mlm sblm tu 8/5 akn diadakan mlm berinai..

my hubby will not come back home for the ceremony due to his job.. he will on board to Singapore this Saturday.. tak pe la B.. berkhidmat utk negara.. walau dlm ati ni sedih gk..

Selamat Pengantin Baru
Semoga kekal bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat
Semoga melahirkan zuriat yg soleh/solehah, pintar dan berguna utk agama dan negara
Welcome to the family sis Linda

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