B: Da gerak. Nk terbang da 9:23am 10/4/08
B: Ayg wtpe. B da smp kt lpangan terbang kk da 11:54am 10/4/08
huhu..that was a sms from him..huhu..the flight was taken 2 hours and 30 mnts from KLIA to KK...diriku ini sgt teruja je bila dia ckp naik flight..hahaha.mklum la org tak prnah naik lg..naik yg x gerak ade la..tu pon ms zmn knk2 kat TUDM kuantan..B..wait for me ok..i'll be there soon..but im not sure how soon..hehe..
oppsss..b4 im forgotten..he gave me a present.it was his 1st present for me..oh really?? as i said a present must wrapped properly..hehe..b4 this everything he gave never wrapped.so thats not a present rite..it juz a gives..ape beza present ngn gives kn..hehe...
jengjengjeng!!! this is the present..a wallet..nini said, "ni wallet jantan la"..huhu..what can i do..dah org bg..then she added, "ape la mat yie ni bg wallet jantan"..
sad to say good bye to my old wallet..i used it about 4years taw n its still ok..tak koyak lg pon..but it looks like kanak2 ribena punye jek..my future SIL had said my wallet buruk.in front of me taw.actly she thought it was her bro's. jahat kan org ittew..huhu...

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