Guess what?? ia melibatkan 2 phk.. 1 memberi, another 1 menerima.. org pompuan sgt teruja n suka dgn bnda ni n sanggup berabis duit. tp x semua yg mampu utk having this kind of.. mm what should i call?? ceremony? activity? owhh... what ever!!! we have to be well prepared mentally, physically n financially to enter this 'thing'.. ade yg dress up bagai nk rak.. n ada gk yg as simple as they can.. 'less is more'
Got confused? let me juz revealed what happened to us.. actly today at 12pm Azniza, Azliza n Muhammad Razman, son and daughters of Abdul Aziz n Rohani went out together to SOGO n back to Subang at 5pm.. xde la shopping sakan tp boleh la tebus mystery gift n dpt 500 points gune Birthday Rewards.. (SOGO members should know la) sgt ramai manusia kat c2 sbb today is the 2nd last day mega sales at SOGO.. the vouchers also will expired once the sales finish.. pening kepala dgn keramaian manusia.. mcm2 gaya ade.. n dpt gk la beli ape yg nk ikot bajet. Cannot over bajet nti bajet lari payah lak nk kejar.. ;)
im waiting for this moment from the beginning of the sales.. cume xsmpt nk blk KL je..dan akhirnyaa...
Ktorg (maman, angah, along, azief, kakdek) kat subang akn blk mlm ni lps akk n along hbs dinner.. x taw la pkl bape.. right now maman n myself jd baby sitter.. kene jg takcik.. opss cannot pngil takcik sbb dah ade rmbut.. huuhu.. mak n ayah dah blk kg mlm td..
Abg GG, ijai n ajim akn blk esok.. ijai n ajim naik motor may be blk ptg n abg GG blk mlm after work, 10pm.. yeah akn berkumpul utk smbut 1 ramadhan bersama.. mcm nk raya lak.. bkn sng taw nk kumpul rmai2.. masing2 bz mengalahkan menteri tp bkn bz body k..
Seribu senyuman belum tentu menawan hati
satu jelingan sudah cukup menimbulkan rasa benci
membina mengambil masa
meruntuh sekelip mata
smga ibadah kita diterima dah diberkatiNya

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