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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

proud to be a part of UTM's

Konvo dah pon berakhir pg td.. congratz again to everyone.. all master and PHD student convo on 1st day, conferred by the Chancellor of UTM, Her Majesty Sultanah Zanariah Binti Almarhum Tunku Ahmad. bdk bachelor mechanical engineering konvo 2nd day, 3rd session.. juz as ours, 1 and 1/2 years ago.. sape agknye yg conferred the degrees to them..

Rs nye bdk yg konvo this time intake year 2004 (dr matrix), or 2003 (tahun asas) or may be some of them intake 2003 (intake matrix) or 2002 (tahun asas) yg extend.. alaa... bdk meki kalau extend tak heran pon.. normal thing la tuh.. tp x taw la bdk skng ni ade extend ke x coz jadual kelas dorg already arranged by faculty.. leh abis on time unless kalau ade repeat paper.. *ejau x pnh repeat paper ok. wpon sgt mls bljar.. x caya leh tgk kat sijil degree.* mcm zmn ktorg dulu kene susun jadual sndri.. mmg tunggang langgang.. huhu... sgt indah kenangan ittew.. *smile* gpon kalau bdk dr matrix extend x de hal sbb pndah credit 26 je (tgk result gk la.kalau sume cmrlang dpt la 26 tuh) compare yg direct intake dr SPM. kredit dpt dorg for 2 sems more than that.. so no wonder la..

Added, engineering from UTM x kira la ko extend bape lama pon,max 4 sem la, as long pointer above of 2.7 mmg sgt sng dpt keje.. 2.3 pon leh idop lg..
keje pon yg related dgn yg kite bljar.. so no waste la.. jgn blaja lain, konon abis on time tp keje ntah ape2 gk.. huhu... no offence ok.. gpon majority industry people already know, grade UTM lbh tinggi dr U lain.. dpt 85% br A.. tmpt lain 80% dah A kn.. cume starting 2007 sem I, the grade had changed.. dah sama taraf ngn U lain.. ape la dorg ni.. kn elok grade tinggi, ni gi turunkn.. nk bg ramai dpt 1st klas ke ape.. kalau wt time ktorg dulu kompem leh dpt 1st klas nye.. huhu.. tu pon ade org nk compare kn my result yg engineering at UTM ngn x taw ape cos dr u lain.. so the conclusion jgn suka2 nk compare result kalau cos n u x sama..huhu..
Batch ktorg ramai gk yg extend.. may be 70% .. but im sure more than 50%.. extend pn 1 sem je.. tu pon bape credit je pon.. amik Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) ngn BI je.. tp alhmdllh so far sumer keje bgus2.. jd engineer or at least lecturer.. yg smbung blajar tak ramai.. marine's student myself je yg further master.. tu pon sbb dpt offer n got allowance.. time dpt offer master ade gk dpt some call letters for interview from some companies at KL tp reject sbb mls nk gi interview.. aci x.. at last accept je offer master nih.. gpon dpt allowance kn sape x nak.. Alhamdulillah rzki x pnh putus.. pas abis study x de chance mengaggur lgsung..

kalau sesape bkk website Konvo UTM leh tgk flash yg dorg x ubah lg tu since 39th Convocation, mine was 38th... kalau perasan la kn.. sgt bangga.. hehe.. let me paste here.. huhu..

nmpk x.. x nmpk lg ke.. huhu.. kn ade bdk pompuan cute kat c2.. huhu.. actly my fmly n i nk blk dah that time.. tbe2 photographer pngl nk amk gmbr.. huhu... so layan je la.. im proudly qoute The Vice Chancellor, Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Mohd Zulkifli Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali in his speech on Opening Convocation Ceremony, said
aside from trying to elevate the quality of its graduates, UTM is also trying to enhance its ranking among the best universities in the world. In 2007, UTM was in the top 500 best universities in the world ranking.
source: UTM

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